Keysight IC-CAP 2022.1


Keysight IC-CAP 2022.1

What's New


  • Pandas DataFrame support has been added to the IC-CAP Python API to read and write Setup Datasets. Input, Output, and Transform Datasets can be set with a DataFrame, using the set_val() method. A new optional force= (True or False) keyword argument has been added to the set_val() method to change the size or type of a Dataset. Also, an entire Setup can be updated or generated from a single IC-CAP DataFrame. The df2setup and setup2df functions have been added for this purpose.

  • Added the following example files in <install path>examplesdemo_features6_SIMULATORS:

    • 2_ADS2_using_ADS_with_Hspice_NetlistBSIM3_demo_ADS_adv_hspicemodeads_bin.mdl
    • 2_ADS2_using_ADS_with_Hspice_NetlistDiode_demo_ADS_adv_hspicemodeads.mdl
    • 2_ADS2_using_ADS_with_Hspice_NetlistDiode_demo_ADS_hspicemodeads.mdl
    • 7_hspiceBSIM3_demo_adv_hspice_bin.mdl
    • 7_hspiceDiode_demo_adv_hspice_bin.mdl
  • The following python modules have been added to the python installation shipped with the product:

    • 'numexpr' version 2.7.3
    • 'tables' version 3.6.1
  • A new GaN RF Example project for the ASM-HEMT model was added. The example includes extraction for the thermal resistance parameter RTH0 based on pulsed IV and static IV data.

  • Adding new ANN functionality to the Python API `icutils >` and adding 3x ANN use cases into the `demo_features > 9_ANN > py_ANN_demo.mdl` for Diode, non-linear Resistor and a GaAs pHEMT.

  • The ASM-HEMT RF extraction example has been updated to support model version 101.2. The example requires ADS 2022 Update 1.0 or later. As of October 2021, ADS 2022 Update 1.0 Early Access can be downloaded from the Keysight Knowledge Center.

  • A new advanced spice netlist parser is available for hspice and hpeesofsim (in hspicemodeads). This new parser allows IC-CAP to understand parameters, nodes, and other information in the Circuit page using a richer set of HSPICE language features. To use this newer parser, use the simulation template advanced_hspice, advanced_hspice-C or advanced_hspicemodeads. The standard spice parser, which will be fully compatible with all spice language netlists in prior versions is still available using the simulation template hspice, hspice-C, or hspicemodeads. The advanced_hspice family of simulation templates allow for non-numeric symbolic nodes at .subckt line, instance parameter definition at subckt level, simpler subckt variable assignment, and less need to use #echo for various constructs.

  • Keysight B2900 Precision Source/Measure Unit now supports B2912B, B2911B, B2902B, and B2901B

Issues Fixed

  • Fixed issue where measurements failed to read the proper measurement data for Power Outputs when measured with the Keysight PNA-X Network Analyzer in standard measurement mode.

  • Fixed an issue in the ADS Simulator in BSIM-CMG version 107: when NQSmod=1, S11 does not change when varying XRCRG1 and XRCRG2 values.

  • Fixed issue of 'hspicemodeads' simulation error by listing untunable parameters in HPEESOFSIM_UNTUNABLE_PARAMS System Variable.

  • Fixed the issue of padding size in (PE)MG Measured Data table (cells for L, W, NF).
