MSC Fatigue 2005 for Patran 2005 Linux.Unix


Training, Support, & Integration Services The MSC Institute offers the course, “Durability Life Assessment Using MSC.Fatigue,” on a regular basis. This course provides hands-on experience and raises awareness of fatigue-life predictive methods. This course can be tailored to suit individual needs, and can be given on-site as well as in MSC.Software training facilities located throughout the world. MSC.Software provides the industry’s most comprehensive support system with over 50 offices worldwide to provide local and centralized support. Investing in MSC.Software gives you access to extensive client support through comprehensive documentation, direct technical expertise, and customized training classes. MSC.Fatigue is backed by over 300 man-years of combined experience in fatigue analysis. No other company offers the level and quality of fatigue support as MSC.Software. A professional and courteous staff is just a phone call away to assist your needs. MSC.Software also provides commercial integration services to custom design solutions specifically for our customers. MSC.Software solutions involve providing and integrating the right combination of strategies, software, and services to help our customers achieve their competitive advantage.


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