• Size:19MB
  • Language:English
  • Platform:/WinNT/2000/XP
  • Freshtime:2009-10-20
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GEODELFT MPILE enables the analysis of the three-dimensional behavior of single piles and pile groups, interacting via the pile cap and the soil, as a function of loading. MPile offers for this purpose a unique combination of the internationally accepted design rules of the API (American Petroleum Institute) and special soil interaction models all within the same graphical user interface. One of the great benefits of MPile is that switching between different computational models is very easy since all relevant input data of the previously used model is kept. This flexibility gives the users the opportunity to choose between a fast and simple calculation and a more complex but more accurate calculation, in a way that best suits their particular needs. The choice of models to be used depends principally on the distance between piles.
