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- Freshtime:2010-07-01
- Search:FluidFlow 3.2 download FluidFlow 3.2 crack FluidFlow 3.2 tutorial
Straight pipes, pipe bends, orifice and venturi meters
Select the pipe line on which the experiment will be performed by turning of the isolation
valves for all other horizontal pipe runs.
Be sure that water manometers are connected to the pressure tappings read zero.
Check that isolating valve on the selected pipe run is fully open.
Turn off the flow control valve.
Operate the control valve to give successively higher flow rates (9 times) and note
manometer readings for each case.
With the same flow rates, repeat the experiment once more to avoid wrong or insufficient
B. Pipe fittings
Apply steps 1 through 4 of the procedure (A) and then continue with the following ones.
With the valves fully open, operate the control valve to give successively higher flow rates,
noting the manometer readings for each case.
Repeat step 2 with the gate valve 1/7, 3/7, and 5/7 closed. Keep the globe valve fully open.
With the gate valve fully open, repeat step 2 with the globe valve 1/6, 3/6, and 5/6 closed.
3.1.5 Report Objectives
Show the variation of friction loss with respect to flow rate. Calculate theoretical and
experimental losses.
For the sharp bend, use at least three values of k (between 0.2 and 1.0) to determine which
one of these is the most compatible with your experimental results.
In the case of valves, keep on mind that percentage closure is a parameter.
Draw graphs to explain your conclusions.