Design Science MathType v5.2c

  • Size:4.5MB
  • Language:English
  • Platform:/WinNT/2000/XP
  • Freshtime:2007-01-29
  • Search:


Design Science 出品的MathType(分Windows及Macintosh两个版本)是一个强大的交互式数学工具输入工具。它将变革您建立包含数学公式的打印及网页基础文档的方式。MathType可以工作在任何的字处理软件、演示程序、页面程序、HTML-编辑工具、及其它的类型的软件,用来建立公式。新版本完全兼容MS Office 2003(Word2003)。
Design Science MathType?for Windows and Macintosh is a powerful interactive tool that will revolutionize the way you create print and web-based documents that contain math. MathType works with any word processor, presentation program, page layout program, HTML-authoring tool, plus other types of software, to create equations for research papers, class materials, web pages, slide presentations, journal articles and books.
