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SPSS的全称是:Statistical Program for Social Sciences,即社会科学统计程序。该软件是公认的最优秀的统计分析软件包之一。SPSS原是为大型计算机开发的,其版本为SPSSx.Spss是著名的综合性统计软件,SPSS软件面向行业应用人员,软件设计突出统计方法的成熟、实用、易用性、界面易操作性及与文字处理软件等的交互性上

SPSS 16 Linux版新增功能介绍






1)统计图:在经过一年的使用后,新的常规图操作界面已基本完善,本次的改进除使得操作更为便捷外,还突出了两个重点。首先在常规图中引入更多的交互图功能,如图组(Paneled charts),带误差线的分类图形如误差线条图和线图,三维效果的简单、堆积和分段饼图等。其次是引入几种新的图形,目前已知的有人口金字塔和点密度图两种。


SPSS 14.0

3.为Complex Samples模块增加统计建模功能:
Complex Samples是12版中新增的模块,用于实现复杂抽样的设计方案,以及对相应的数据进行描述。但当时并未提供统计建模功能。在13版中,这将会有很大的改观。一般线形模型将会被完整地引入复杂抽样模块中,以实现对复杂抽样研究中各种连续性变量的建模预测功能,例如对市场调研中的客户满意度数据进行建模。对于分类数据,Logistic回归则将会被系统的引入。这样,对于一个任意复杂的抽样研究,如多阶段分层整群抽样,或者更复杂的PPS抽样,研究者都可以在该模块中轻松的实现从抽样设计、统计描述到复杂统计建模以发现影响因素的整个分析过程,方差分析模型、线形回归模型、Logistic回归模型等复杂的统计模型都可以加以使用,而操作方式将会和完全随机抽样数据的分析操作没有什么差别。可以预见,该模块的推出将会大大促进国内对复杂抽样时统计推断模型的正确应用。

4.新增的Classification Tree模块:
这个模块实际上就是将以前单独发行的SPSS AnswerTree软件整合进了SPSS平台。笔者几年前在自己的网站上介绍SPSS 11的新功能时,曾经很尖锐地指出SPSS目前的产品线过于分散,应当把各种功能较单一的小软件,如AnswerTree、Sample Power等整合到SPSS等几个平台上去。看来SPSS公司也意识到了这一点,而AnswerTree就是在此背景下第一个被彻底整合的产品。

Classification Tree模块基于数据挖掘中发展起来的树结构模型对分类变量或连续变量进行预测,可以方便、快速的对样本进行细分,而不需要用户有太多的统计专业知识。目前在市场细分和数据挖掘中有较广泛的应用。现在已知该模块提供了CHAID、Exhaustive CHAID和C&RT三种算法,在AnswerTree中提供的QUEST算法尚不能肯定是否会被纳入。



随着自身产品线的不断完善,SPSS公司的产品体系已经日益完整,而不同产品间的互补和兼容性也在不断加以改进。在13版中,SPSS软件已经可以和其他一些最新的产品很好的整合在一起,形成更为完整的解决方案。例如,SPSS、SPSS Data Entry和新发布的SPSS Text Analysis for Surveys一起就形成了对调查研究的完整解决方案。而新增的SPSS Classification Trees模块将使得SPSS软件本身就能够针对市场细分工作提供更为完整的方法体系。

::::::English Description::::::

In the upcoming SPSS Directions User Conference in Prague (May 16) Product Management Director Kyle Weeks will discuss some of the new features in SPSS 16. These include:

  • SPSS 16 has a new Java interface allowing for Windows, Mac, and Linux versions of SPSS, a searchable Output Viewer, resizable dialogs and more;
  • Improved data editor (adds find and replace capabilities to both variable view and data view). Also unicode support, import/export of Excel 2007 data, and an improved data editor;
  • Syntax to change string length and data types; ability to set a permanent default working directory; elimination of short/long string distinction; ability to suppress the number of active datasets.
  • More powerful statistics, including a new Neural Networks add-on module, a new Partial Least Squares algorithm, a new Cox Regression for Complex Samples module, support for algorithms written in R and improvements to Generalized Linear Models and General Estimating Equations;
  • Latent Class Analysis in Amos 16
  • SPSS 16.0 has improved programmability (see below)
  • More integration with SPSS Predictive Enterprise Services, allowing you to store/retrieve and query to/from the Predictive Enterprise Repository via both the user interface and syntax
  • Multi-threaded procedures for improved performance and scalability.

Other sources also report that SPSS 16.0 for Windows will use a new syntax editor. We can also assume that it will support Vista (since they still haven’t released a patch for SPSS 15).

SPSS has also indicated that some of the original functionality of SPSS Trends and SPSS Tables that has since been superceded by newer functionality will be eliminated. In SPSS Trends 16, the Exponential Smoothing, Autoregression, and ARIMA dialogs will be removed, while the more flexible Create Models; Apply Models; Seasonal Decomposition and Spectral Analysis dialogs will remain.

In SPSS Tables 16, Basic Tables, General Tables, Multiple Response Tables, and Tables of Frequencies will be removed, while the more flexible Custom Tables and Multiple Response Sets will remain.

It is worth noting that all of the functionality offered by the removed dialog boxes will continue to be available through syntax.

Details on the new Programmability of SPSS 16.0:

  • EXTENSION command for user procedures with SPSS syntax
  • Dataset features for complex data management
  • New dataset class extends Python transformation program capabilities to multiple datasets
  • Similar to INPUT PROGRAM but can read and write datasets
  • Multiple input and output datasets
  • User code written in Python
  • Ability to use R procedures within SPSS through R Plug-In
  • Provides ability to run R code within SPSS
  • Use to take advantage of statistical capabilities in R
  • Access active SPSS datset
  • Write results to SPSS Viewer
  • Improved implimentation of User Procedures
  • Can be written in Python but specified using SPSS traditional syntax
  • User never writes or sees Python code
  • Used as if a built-in SPSS command
  • Python module called with syntax already checked and processed by SPSS
  • More general PLS module
