Genstat 10.1.072

  • Size:89MB
  • Language:english
  • Platform:Winxp/Win7
  • Freshtime:2007-10-16
  • Search:Genstat 10.1.072


English Description::::::

 GenStat is a comprehensive statistics system which offers ease-of-use for the novice user through a Windows menu interface, or power and flexibility for the more experienced user through a powerful command language interface. One of the main strengths of GenStat is the vast range of statistical techniques available which have been tested time and again by practicing statisticians, across many applications and disciplines. Including: basic statistics design and analysis of designed experiments analysis of linear and generalized linear mixed models microarray analysis regression (linear, nonlinear and generalized linear) hierarchical generalized linear models spatial analysis multivariate analysis techniques time series statistical process control methods survival analysis sample size calculations and resampling methods
