- Size:1DVD
- Language:english
- Platform:WIN32&WIN64
- Freshtime:2014-07-03
- Search:ESI ProCAST v2014 ESI ProCAST v2014 tutorials
Minimum Requirements
•MicrosoftTM Windows 64-Bit Operating Systems :
◦Windows 8.1
◦Windows Server 2012 R2
◦Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
◦Windows 7 SP1
◦Windows Server 2008 SP2
◦Windows Vista SP2
◦Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 / Server 2003 SP2
◦Windows XP Professional x64 Edition SP2
•It is recommended to perform installation with administrative privileges.
•x86-64 compatible processors (Intel or AMD).
•2 GBytes of RAM (8 GBytes recommended)
•Super VGA monitor with the following settings:
Ø Screen resolution set to at least 1280 x 1024
Ø Small fonts selected
•OpenGL hardware graphic accelerator (highly recommended). Systems without an OpenGL graphic board will perform significantly slower.
•350 MB disk (free) space required in the Program Files folder
•3 button mouse (middle button required for dynamic rotations
in graphic window)
How to install ProCAST 2014.0 Application
The installation must be done by the administrator.
ProCAST 2014.0 installation is powered by Microsoft® Windows® Installer. This means that installation can be done graphically or silently using command line.
When the installation is completed, ProCAST 2014.0 Application will be available in the Start/Programs/ESI Group menu
or in the ESI Group folder icon on desktop.
SIMPLE User interface mode:
Insert ProCAST 2014.0 Disc into your CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive, waiting for the user interface
If the autorun if disabled, open and browse in the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive, double-click on setup.exe in directory "ProCAST20130_Windows"
After the splash screen the user interface is displayed.
Command Line mode with parameters:
Open a command prompt (cmd.exe or command.com).
Syntax is : msiexec / "" =
The parameters options available with ProCAST 2014.0 are :
/I Installs or configures a product.
/q[n|b|r|f] Sets user interface level:
/q , /qn : No UI
/qb : Basic UI. Use "qb!" to hide the Cancel button.
/qr : Reduced UI with no modal dialog box displayed at the end of the installation.
/qf : Full UI and any authored FatalError, UserExit, or Exit modal dialog boxes at the end.
/qn+ : No UI except for a modal dialog box displayed at the end.
/qb+ : Basic UI with a modal dialog box displayed at the end. The modal box is not displayed if the user cancels the installation. Use "/qb+!" or "/qb!+" to hide the Cancel button.
/qb- : Basic UI with no modal dialog boxes. Please note that "/qb+-" is not a supported UI level. Use "/qb-!" or "/qb!-" to hide the Cancel button.
Note that the "!" option is available with Windows Installer 2.0 and works only with basic UI. It is not valid with full UI.
The available PROPERTY with ProCAST 2014.0 are (sensitive case):
INSTALLDIR="" Specify an installation directory, otherwise default value is "%ProgramFiles%ESI GroupProCAST2014.0"
If you don't want to install the FLEXnet licensing toolkit, Default value is TRUE in MSI table.
This feature is installed in C:flexlm directory
If you don't want to install ProCAST and Visual-Cast binaries. Default is TRUE in MSI table
If you don't want to install the documentation files. Default is TRUE is MSI table
msiexec /i ":ProCAST20140_WindowsESI Group ProCAST 2014.0.msi" /qb- INSTALLDIR="D:Program FilesESI Group ProCAST2014.0"
where corresponds to your CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive.
In this example, ProCAST 2014.0 installation will be done silently in directory D:Program FilesESI Group ProCAST2014.0
Administrative mode:
Open a command prompt (cmd.exe or command.com).
Syntax is : msiexec /a ""
Setting environment variables for ProCAST 2014.0
ProCAST20140 must be set to the installation location.
The installation procedure automatically sets these variables on the system.
How to get your FLEXnet® License File
This section only applies to License Server. To connect this computer to the server please go to section "How to connect to a License Server through the network".
Before the license server can be started, you must have a license file. System information must be retrieved before you can request your FLEXnet license files.
•For each machine that will be running ESI Software Applications, execute c:flexlmlmtools.exe
•Select System Settings