
  • Size:1CD
  • Language:english
  • Platform:Win7/WIN8
  • Freshtime:2016-10-14
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MSC.Marc.Mentat.2016.0 MSC.Mar c Mentat is tightly integrated with MSC.Marc 2003, to allow all data to be defined interactively through a powerful graphical user interface. All results generated by MSC.Marc can be quickly visualized. PRODUCT LINE MSC.M arcMentat GEOMETRY GENERATION Geometric Entities Points Curves (lines, polylines, circular arcs, circles, fillets, cubic splines, NURBS, interpolated Bezier curves) Surfaces (quadrilaterals, cylinders, spheres, ruled surfaces, Bezier surfaces, driven surfaces, surfaces of revolution, NURBS surfaces, trimmed surfaces, Coons Patch, Skinned, Interpolated) Geometric Processors Move (translate, rotate, scale) Expand (shell, beam, element, node, point, curve) Expand along a straight line or on a curve CAD geometry repair Expand elements in non equal-spaced increments Coordinate Systems Mouse interaction with coordinate grids Rectangular • cylindrical • spherical
