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丹麦水力研究所(Danish Hydraulic Institute,简称DHI)是丹麦的一所非盈利性的私营研究和技术咨询机构,成立于1964年。DHI是丹麦技术科学学院的成员之一,也是丹麦应用技术和工程服务行业协会会员。共有职员205人,其中136人具有博士或硕士学位(1994年)DHI致力于应用和发展水力学及水文水资源工程的先进技术和方法。主要从事海岸、河口、港口工程、城市水力学、水资源及环境工程的设计、软件研究及水工模型实验等工作。 DHI提供有关工程设计、运行、管理的广泛的咨询服务及软件系统。并重视国际合作交流,先后在100个国家和地区开展数学物理模型及野外测量的研究工作。 DHI实行董事会管理制度,除行政管理部门外,下设五个业务处室、三个研究中心、和二个业务管理部门。五个业务处室为水资源处、河流水力学处、海岸及环境工程处、港口海岸处、监测处;三个中心为:情报中心、生态模拟中心、国际计算水力学中心;二个业务管理部门为:综合管理部(质量控制、软件生产、计算机设备供应)、对外合作部(商务、对外合作、对欧关系)。 DHI是独立而国际的求教和研究组织。我们的目标是推进在水,环境和健康的领域之内的技术的发展和能力。这些是由他们研发出来的软件。 DIMS系统是被设计来转换不同型态的数据,变成可以被用来管理 和/或 控制(判断支持或关闭回路实时控制)的信息。::::::English Description::::::  DIMS is designed as a system to turn different types of data into information which can be used for management and/or control (as decision support or closed loop real-time control). Examples of different configurations are: Early Warning system for monitoring and control of water intakes Monitoring and control of waste water treatment plants Monitoring and control of sewer systems Environmental monitoring and management of industrial sites Catchment wide environmental monitoring of remote monitoring stations via telemetry DIMS has a focus on acquisition of basic data from water, waste water, waste, air, energy, raw materials, products and economy systems, and includes tools for control, documentation and automation of the acquisition. Methods such as continuous logging of data from sensors, batchwise transfer of data from other systems (e.g. production or economy) or manual input of data are supported through configurable device drivers or user interfaces. Furthermore, the concepts of data validation, data reduction and software sensors (from simple calculations to complex models) are supported - also in real-time – as a part of the data acquisition
