Synopsys VCS MX vK-2015.09 SP2


Synopsys VCS MX vK-2015.09 SP2 ndustry’s Highest Performance Simulation Solution Overview The Synopsys VCS® functional verification solution (Figure 1) is the primary verification solution used by most of the world’s top 20 semiconductor companies. VCS provides the industry’s highest performance simulation and constraint solver engines. In addition, the comprehensive VCS solution offers Native Testbench (NTB) support, broad SystemVerilog support, verification planning, coverage analysis and closure, and native integration with Verdi, the industry’s de-facto debug standard. VCS is uniquely positioned to meet designers’ and verification engineers’ needs to address the challenges and complexity of today’s SoCs. VCS Datasheet Key Benefits Industry-leading performance and capacity Compile time: Partition compile, Precompiled IP, Dynamic Reconfiguration Runtime: Save/Restore, Constraint Solver optimization, Multicore Advanced simulation technologies Native Low Power, X-Propagation, SystemC and AMS Cosimulation, Comprehensive planning, coverage and execution management native integration VCS provides key turnaround time and ease-of-use benefits via native integration with Verdi® debug, VC Formal and VC VIP Figure 1: VCS simulation solution Figure 1: VCS simulation solution Language compliance VCS supports all popular design and verification languages, including SystemVerilog, Verilog, VHDL, OpenVera™, SystemC™, and the Accellera® UVM™, VMM, and OVM methodologies (Figure 2). VCS’ support for Accellera UVM also includes access to the VMM/UVM interoperability kit, which enables the use of VMM with UVM and vice versa. Besides supporting digital circuit design, VCS also supports analog and mixedanalog designs through Verilog-AMS, SPICE and SPF. This comprehensive support for advanced flows and methodologies enables VCS to help users develop the highest-quality mixed language functional verification environments in the shortest amount of time. Figure 2. Complete SystemVerilog ecosystem Figure 2. Complete SystemVerilog ecosystem Verification Continuum Platform VCS is the center of the most comprehensive and natively-integrated functional verification ecosystem in the industry. Complementing simulation, the VCS functional verification ecosystem provides formal verification (VC Formal), emulation (ZeBu), testbench quality analysis (Certitude) and comprehensive coverage closure. The VCS ecosystem is a core element of the Synopsys Verification Continuum Platform (Figure 3).


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