Snopsys VCS vP-2019.06


Snopsys VCS vP-2019.06


Industry’s Highest Performance Simulation Solution

The Synopsys VCS® functional verification solution is the primary verification solution used by a majority of the world’s top 20 semiconductor companies. VCS provides the industry’s highest performance simulation and constraint solver engines. VCS’ simulation engine natively takes full advantage of current multicore and many-core X86 processors with state-of-the-art Fine-Grained Parallelism (FGP) technology, enabling users to easily speed up high-activity, long-cycle tests by allocating more cores at runtime.

VCS continues to provide innovative features to achieve higher performance and enable shift left verification flows early in the design cycle. Design Intent Verification (DIV), and Dynamic Test Loading (DTL) are the latest features included in the in the product.

In addition, the comprehensive VCS solution offers Native Testbench (NTB) support, broad SystemVerilog support, verification planning, coverage analysis and closure, and native integration with Verdi, the industry’s de-facto debug standard. VCS is uniquely positioned to meet designers’ and verification engineers’ needs to address the challenges and complexity of today’s SoCs. 
