

Elevate user expectations in WPF with state-of-the-art functionality and blazing fast, high performance. Whether you need to data bind millions of records with the rendering speed to show the first screen in milliseconds, or the stunning visual effects of animated tile and card view layouts, our WPF controls take care of presenting your information with power, clarity, and motion. Surpass ordinary user experiences with our extraordinary user interface controls that will set your application apart. From Outlook 2007-style data cards and navigation to Office 2007-style ribbons, stunning next generation carousels to cinematic 2D/3D charting. We took an uncompromising attitude toward leveraging rich styling, vector graphics, templates, animation and integrated UI virtualization in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) to empower you to take advantage of the WPF platform’s potential—whether in XAML or code.


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