TGS Amira 4.1 LINUX EM64T

  • Size:183MB
  • Language:English
  • Platform:/Linux 64
  • Freshtime:2006-11-18
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TGS AMIRA对于三维资料的处理如生物学与工程学等提供了极好的解决方案。藉由视觉化的方式让使用者更能洞察资料的细节。而且由硬体加速绘图的功能也让使用者与电脑以互动方式传输大量资料更有效率。强大的自动化与交互式的分割工具支援3D影像资料的处理。创新性、快速性和稳定性的重建模型演算法使得以片段的物体去建立多边形的模型更为容易。此外,还可对先进的有限元素法模拟产生真实容量的四面体网格。在大量的视觉化方法的调查下,模拟结果与其他许多不同的格点定义的资料在视觉化的表现是一样的好。[img][/img]amira 4.1 is available. The amira experience has never been so exciting! Since amira 4.0 the entire amira framework is now integrated in one powerful yet even-easier-to-use interface. Redesigned from scratch, the new amira interface accelerates the learning curve and, with its very innovative ergonomic techniques speeds up the process of building visualizations on your data. The object pool window has been redesigned to handle large networks, and sub-networks can be collapsed for better clarity. Shortcuts have been added for quick access to the most frequently used modules. The previous viewer decoration now appears in a new easier-to-use toolbar. And the segmentation editor, slice aligner module, and surface editor are now embedded in the user interface.amira 4.1 brings visualization to a new level of high quality. Based on the latest Open Inventor V6.0 from Mercury Computer Systems, the volume rendering techniques provided in the amira Large and Very Large Data Pack are now based on latest graphics hardware capability (OpenGL Shaders) and allow for interactive high quality lighted volume rendering, slicing with embossing effect and isosurface extraction.[img][/img]
