Telelogic Rhapsody Adapters 7.1

  • Size:122MB
  • Language:English
  • Platform:/WinNT/2000/XP
  • Freshtime:2007-10-31
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在汽车电子、航电控制和下一代无线通讯等领域,系统工程师和软件设计人员面临着加剧的全球竞争,需要开发稳健、复杂的最终交付产品。为了迎接这些挑战,I -Logix推出了Rhapsody。作为嵌入市场上领先的SysML / UMLTM 2.0 模型驱动开发(MDD) 环境,Rhapsody响应了系统工程师和软件开发人员对工具的需求。

::::::English Description::::::

To enable the ultimate end-to-end design experience, the Rhapsody Model-Driven Development (MDD) environment was designed to be open, to allow you the flexibility of integrating various functions together giving you a complete development lifecycle solution oriented to your specific needs and environment. Successful team collaboration, requirements traceability, design specifications reviews, automatic document generation, rapid prototyping of the system as it is built, and many more aspects can aid in the creation of a quality-driven product that well exceeds time-to-market time and productivity expectations.

We are pleased to bring you the Rhapsody Productivity Packs and other add-on products, which will aid in your overall design efforts from concept all the way to code. The Rhapsody Productivity Packs and add-ons are fully integrated within the Rhapsody MDD environment to allow seamless execution.
