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  • Freshtime:2006-09-20
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COMET_DiGiTAL_CSMART_BLEND是一款用于Maya的插件.它可以使建模和索套变得简单.What is cSmartBlend?[img][/img]cSmartBlend is a Maya plug-in that lets modelers and rigging artists easily create partial object based deformation and create/update morph targets when topology on the mesh changes. At its core, cSmartBlend was designed to allow for easy manipulation and blendshape driving of a partial/chopped mesh driving a seamless full body mesh. For example with cSmartBlend you can cut off the head of your character, make morph targets for the head, and then use the cSmartBlend deformer to drive the deformation of the chopped head back into the full res character. In addition, cSmartBlend can handle not only cut off geometry with similar points, but even totally new or different topology. This means that you can safely make model changes, and then use cSmartBlend to re-create existing morph targets that will now be compatible with the new mesh. For example, if you have several morph targets made for a mesh, then decide you need to add or remove geometry on the mesh, say to add a new edge loop around the mouth, you can use cSmartBlend to automatically create new targets that also have this new topology added.
