Act-3d Quest3d 4.3.2 VR Edition

  • Size:203MB
  • Language:English
  • Platform:/WinNT/2000/XP
  • Freshtime:2010-02-27
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Quest3D是世界上效果最优秀,功能最强大的三维项目制作软件之一。通过程序控制,它可以应用在游戏研发、虚拟现实、影视动漫制作等众多领域。近日,其支持DirectX 10的最新版本Quest3D 4.3.2已经上市。 Quest3D在业界以效果出色而闻名,这些非常绚丽的效果主要得益于成熟的DirectX引擎,目前Quest3D支持DirectX 9.0,而Quest3D 4.3版本将会支持DirectX 10的一些特性,这是一个非常令人振奋的消息,届时Quest3D的效果将更出色,运行效率也将更高。

Quest3D VR Edition 4.3.2

VR Edition允许使用者与外部虚拟现实硬件相连接并且能对外部设备进行控制,如数据手套可以用来模拟手部的运动,跟踪器可以用来跟踪动作,同时还可以轻松实现多屏幕同步。

::::::English Description::::::

Quest3D® VR edition 4.3.2 allows users to connect virtual reality hardware and control the environment. Data gloves can be used to simulate hand movement and trackers can be used for motion tracking and in addition multi-screen synchronization.

Quest3D VR Edition 4.3.2

The Quest3D VR edition is especially made for creating real-time 3D VR systems, such as 3D training facilities, CAVE environments, simulators. The VR Edition is also a tool being used for TV broadcasting solutions. It supports several kinds of motion tracking hardware, multi-projector rendering, stereo projection and environment simulation. Quest3D VR Edition has proven to be absolutely necessary for creating state of the art VR applications.
