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  • Freshtime:2007-05-30
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Next Limit Technologies非常高兴的宣布他们的Maxwell Render渲染器升级至1.5版本.

核心增强: 关键部分的引擎被重写, 结果是带来了众多梦幻般的提升,使图像的渲染品质达到了一个新级别. 内存处理有很大的增强.该版本比1.1占用更少的内存,使渲染相同品质更高分辨率成为可能(例如渲染8000 x 6000像素,内存占用在2GB以内). 核心和内存的增强,可以处理更多的集合体,还有使用高分辨率贴图. 另外, MXI文件可以随时被重渲染/再继续,MXI文件尺寸也缩小了 3,5倍.

本站提供的1.5这个版本支持:3ds Max,Archicad,CINEMA 4D,formZ,LightWave,Maya,Rhinoceros,SketchUp,SolidWorks,XSI!

Maxwell Studio和Maxwell材质编辑器也被重写,增强了可用性和工作流程.

32 bits图像输出: 目前可以直接在Maxwell Render内部输出HDR.

网络: Maxwell Render的网络选项增强,尤其在稳定性和速度方面,并且每个节点的渲染都可预览.

Linux版本: 1.5版本增加了Linux平台.

插件: Maxwell Rende 1.5所有的插件接口都已经完成, 他们中的大多数也进行了优化.特别是Lightwave的插件接口有相当大的优化.

Maxwell是一个基于真实光线物理特性的全新渲染引擎,按照完全精确的算法和公式来重现光线的行为。 Maxwell中所有的元素,比如灯光发射器,材质,灯光等等,都是完全依靠精确的物理模型产生的。可以纪录场境内所有元素之间相互影响的信息,所有的光线计算都是使用光谱信息和高动态区域数据来执行的。主要功能:
2、声称可以避免传统的Photon Map、Radiocity等算法的缺点。
3、内置真实的摄影机镜头算法,而不用Post的 Camera Shader。直接可以计算白光色散等光学现象
5、完全真实的Motion Blur
6、未来的广泛的支持!::::::English Description::::::Next Limit Technologies is pleased to announce the upcoming release of Maxwell Render™ 1.5. The release, scheduled for mid-May, will bring a great number of improvements, new features and enhancements for new and existing customers, including:

  • Core enhancements: Key parts of the engine have been rewritten, resulting in many fantastic improvements, bringing the quality of rendered images to a completely new level. Memory handling has been greatly enhanced. This version uses much less memory than version 1.1, making it possible to render at very high resolutions (for example at 8000 x 6000 with less than 2 GB of Ram) without losing quality. As a consequence of the core enhancements, memory-intensive tasks such as glare, Multilight™ with a lot of emitters, large geometries and a lot of heavy textures are improved. Additionally, MXI files can always be re-rendered/ resumed and the size of the MXI files is around 3,5 times smaller in the new version.
  • Maxwell Studio and the Maxwell Material Editor have been rewritten, resulting in great improvements in usability and performance and better “look and feel” and workflow for the users.
  • 32 bits output: It is now possible to set the output image format to HDR directly inside Maxwell Render™.
  • Network: Maxwell Render’s networking option has been vastly improved and optimized, making it more stable and faster, with the possibility for users to see a coop preview image, a preview image of each node and to select machines by name or IP.
  • Linux version: A Linux version will be available with 1.5.
  • Plug-ins: All our current plug-ins are compatible with Maxwell Render™ 1.5, and many of them have been further improved. Especially the Lightwave plug-in has seen major optimizations. 
