Boris Red 4.2 3D合成

  • Size:403MB
  • Language:Multilanguage
  • Platform:/WinNT/2000/XP
  • Freshtime:2008-01-26
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Boris RED 3GL是最新的综合3D合成、字幕、特效并能执行OpenGL的软件。 Boris RED 3GL的新功能包括: - OPENGL硬件加速 - 为高质量的胶片重调和动态模糊提供的Optical Flow技术 - 高级字幕动画功能,包括对角色随机动作的精确控制 - 三十多个新的过滤器,包括Lens Flare, Light Zoom, Film Grain,Wire Removal - 优化的渲染速度和工作流程 - 与Sonic Foundry Vegas Video结合的插件 - 用Matrox Parhelia, Pinnacle Cinewave, AJA, Canopus, Media 100 cards 将视频输出到电视监视器上 - 2D和3D的图表可由用户输入或有电子报表导入 - 图像扭曲和变形技术 - 3D bump贴图和景深 - 扩展的对Photoshop 7和Illustrator10的支持 此为包含插件的多语言版。

::::::English Description::::::

 Boris Red is the only integrated 3D compositing, titling, and effects application to deliver unparalleled performance at an affordable price to over twenty nonlinear editing applications. Designed specifically for editors, Red offers an unprecedented range of features and adds a standalone engine for rendering. Red integrates advanced 2D and 3D compositing, sophisticated titling, paint, rotoscoping, a full suite of tools to create and extrude vector objects, robust 3D creation and animation, and the industry-leading software DVE technology in a single application. Expand the capabilities of your editing system with just one application. Save time and money using one interface, in one system
