3D Game Studio A7 7.07 Pro 3D/VR遊戲制作

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  • Freshtime:2008-07-01
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3D GameStudio/A7 Pro 德国开发三维3D游戏的着名工具软件,3D GameStudio 游戏引擎代表了当今2D、3D及时游戏引擎的领先水平,已经有上百种使用该引擎的游戏公开发行,官方价格近万元。本软件应游戏开发者的要求提供(包括教程与手册等)!

3D GameStudio 引擎结合了高端的3D引擎,2D引擎,物理引擎,地图和建模编辑器,脚本编译器和大量的3D物体库,工艺品和半成品的游戏。这将使你更容易的制作第一人称游戏、第三人称游戏,角色扮演游戏,滚屏游戏,飞行模拟器,棋类游戏,运动类游戏,及时战略游戏,以及虚拟展示应用程序。。。或者以前没有出现过的3D程序类型。

总之3D GameStudio A7具有3D引擎和3D贴图、动作编辑器,同时提供了大量的素材库。使用3D GameStudio 你可以制作第一人称、第三人称、冒险、RPG、回合制、飞行模拟、空战模拟、坦克模拟、体育竞技、3D Pinball等多种游戏!现在已有很多游戏公司使用该软件开发大量游戏!


軟體簡介︰一、Model Editor模型編輯器可以為所製作的VR遊戲製作三維模型並進行紋理和動畫的設定 Level Editor層次編輯器在Level Editor層次編輯器中,可以設定場景的燈光、霧效;可以匯入Model Editor模型編輯器編輯的模型對象,然後對模型進行移動、旋轉、縮放;可以匯入音效;可以對對象進行紋理帖圖;可以進行視角的編輯;可以加入或者匯入交互腳本…… 三、程式製作完畢後,即可發布瀏覽

::::::English Description::::::

Gamestudio/A7 is 100% compatible to Gamestudio/A6: all V6.60 projects will still run under A7. Gamestudio/A7 offers the following new features:
All editions: New lite-C programming language (compatible to C-Script), fast ABT renderer, atlas mapping, unlimited dynamic lights, unlimited physics engine, dynamic shadows, FBX import, levels-of-detail, unlimited screen resolution, bones animation, 3D line drawing and many more new engine functions. Commercial: Render to texture, full scene antialiasing, 8 network players. Pro: Multiple bones per vertex, automatic LOD generation, trial mode support.
For a detailed feature list, see manual.conitec.net/newfeatures70.htm.

System requirements
P3-500 (512+ MB), 3D video card (32+ MB), sound card. Recommended: Shader 2.0 support.
Windows ME / 2000 / XP / Vista and DirectX 9.0c or above.
Supported file formats: FBX, 3DS, X, OBJ, ASE, MAP, MDL, MD2, FX, BMP, PCX, TGA, JPG, DDS, WAD, MID, WAV, OGG, MP3, MPG, AVI. More formats through 3rd party import filters.

Team editions
For developer teams or for education, multi-seat Team Editions are available. They can be installed on a given number of PCs. All members of the team must use the software for the same project or for learning purposes, and may not use it for separate projects or outside the team or classroom.
The Team Edition is based on the Commercial or Pro Edition, but does not include the license to publish and distribute games. For this, an additional normal edition is required. Team Editions are available in the online shop for 3 or more seats at a fraction of the normal edition price.

No royalties
You can publish and distribute Gamestudio / A7 applications freely without having to pay any royalties or license fees, with the following exception: It s illegal to use Gamestudio for games that propagate genocide against a certain group, race, nation or religion existing in today s real world.
