LightSpeed GFx Intergration 2.0.0

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  • Language:English
  • Platform:/WINXP/VISTA
  • Freshtime:2009-11-02
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A new version of the integration between Gamebryo LightSpeed and Scaleform GFx is now Release. Version 2.0.0 supports Gamebryo LightSpeed and GFx 3.0.67. It adds support for GFx in Toolbench and Game Framework applications, making it easier to add and iterate on GFx in Gamebryo applications than ever before.

Scaleform GFx is a lightweight high-performance rich media user interface (UI) and vector graphics engine, designed specifically for Console and PC game developers. GFx combines the scalability and development ease of proven visual authoring tools, such as the Adobe Flash® Studio, with the latest hardware graphics acceleration that cutting-edge game developers demand.
