Aquaveo SMS v10.1.0.1


SMS is the premier solution for efficiently managing the entire surface water modeling process: from importing topographic and hydraulic data to visualizing and analyzing solutions. SMS interfaces with a wide range of numerical models for applications including river flow analysis, contaminant transport, sediment transport, particle tracking, rural & urban flooding, estuarine, coastal circulation, inlet and wave modeling. We are excited about the new features in SMS 10.1. We have focused on updating portions of SMS which will benefit everyone. We have added new dataset creation options in the new Dataset Toolbox. We have added numerous new features for working with TINS in the scatter module including breaklines and several new import/conversion options. A full list of new features can be found below: 64-bit Version SMS now distributes a 64-bit version. This version can access far more memory than the 32-bit version can so it is useful for working with large sets of data. The installation is the same for the 32 and 64 bit versions of SMS. You can choose the version to install if you have a 64-bit operating system. Both versions can be installed by running the installation twice. The performance (speed) of this version is basically the same as the 32-bit version. This version requires a 64-bit operating system (Vista-64 bit recommended). General Features 1. Data Set Toolbox - New dataset toolbox has new methods to create datasets as well as organizing some of the existing options. The new features include: creating comparison datasets, sampling datasets at specific times, computing derivatives or changes through time, and filtering datasets. 2. Annotations - New annotation tools allow the creation of scale bars, North Arrows, screen space images for Logos, as well as rectangles, ovals, and lines in either screen or world space. 3. Data Calculator - The data calculator now includes functions to take the average, minimum, or maximum of all the timesteps of a dataset and is included in the dataset toolbox. 4. KMZ Filmloop Export - In addition to saving raster or vector data from SMS, you can now create animations that can be opened in Google Earth. 5. Graphical Selection Tools - The modifier keys for graphical selection tools have been expanded and made consistent. 6. Projections - SMS now includes many more GIS projection systems (previously referred to as Coordinate Systems) and can use projection (prj) files associated with images and GIS files. SMS can also create projection files. 7. Image Projection Changes - Images now store their native projection and will automatically be displayed in the working projection. 8. Measure Tool - SMS now includes a simple tool for measuring distances. 9. Web Menu - New menu for accessing importing data from the web. 10. Model Priority - There is a new preference that allows the user to specify the priority to launch numeric models. 11. Vector Display Options - Vectors can now have their center or tip positions at the node or grid location being drawn at. This can be useful to prevent vector arrows to appear on land. 12. Stick Plots - Vectors can now be displayed on specified points from a map coverage at points or along vertices on an arc. This can be useful for comparing data obtained along a transect. 13. Save As Image - You can now save the contents of the graphics window to a jpeg or bitmap by doing a file save as and changing the save type. 14. Remote desktop - In SMS 10.0, the screen would go blank if you started a remote session to look at an already running instance of SMS. This has been resolved.


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