GibbsCAM v24.0.54


GibbsCAM v24.0.54

GibbsCAM 2024 - Powerfully Simple, Simply Powerful

Thousand Oaks, CA: GibbsCAM, a leading CAD/CAM innovator in the production machining industry is pleased to announce the new software release. GibbsCAM 2024 continues to boost end-user productivity for programming advanced machining centers, underpinning the GibbsCAM promise of Powerfully Simple, Simply Powerful.

GibbsCAM 2024

GibbsCAM 2024 features a number of significant enhancements to core strengths while bringing a stronger emphasis on digital connectivity. Version 2024 unlocks the power of Sandvik Coromant through a direct integration with the CoroPlus® Tool Library, providing access to the right cutting tool for your specific operation and offering instant cutting data recommendations. It provides up-to-date cutting tool data, 3D models of cutting tools and holders, and essential information to make informed decisions for optimized manufacturing processes. All data is verified and adheres to the ISO 13399 international standard for cutting tool data representation and exchange. The cloud-based nature of the tool library means that users of GibbsCAM 2024 can access data from anywhere with an internet connection, making it invaluable for organizations implementing company standards, or users who work remotely or across multiple locations.

The integration of the CoroPlus® Tool Library allows users to define tool assemblies and relevant cutting conditions and import the data directly into GibbsCAM.

Tobias Unosson, Product Manager at Sandvik Coromant, says the manufacturing sector is undergoing a transformation brought on by the marriage of digital and physical. "Sandvik has been in business for more than 160 years and in the tooling business for over 80 years. Selecting tools and methods with the help of proven data deliver higher quality parts, and reduce costs, waste, and energy use, all for the benefit of the end user."

Benefits for all users

Efficiency remains a primary focus, with the introduction of new post-processor configuration options for setting standard and custom post defaults, including support for TCP or Rotary clamps. Furthermore, a new tool to streamline the setup of the CAM environment now enables editing and restriction of work fixture offsets. GibbsCAM 2024 supports multiple fixture stacking, and now unused fixtures can be retained on the machine for simulation and collision checking purposes.

The licensing for version 2024 now replaces the historic CLM technology. This will simplify software deployment and provide more user flexibility for moving licenses as well as enable cloud capabilities in future versions.

Users can interrogate virtual points for dimensioning part geometry.

Working with CAD data is easier. Users can interrogate virtual points for dimensioning part geometry such as edge mid points, end points, intersection, circle centre, and circle quadrants directly from the 3D model. A newly introduced visualization tool can map the curvature and the relevant taper/draft angle directly onto the 3D model. This is particularly useful tool for analyzing the minimum tooling diameter required to cut a part since it negates the need to pull extra reference geometry.
