Hydro GeoAnalyst 12.0
Hydro GeoAnalyst (HGA) is our comprehensive and easy-to-use environmental data management system. HGA integrates customizable database structures used around the world with state-of-the-art tools for data interpretation, statistical analysis, Geographical Information System (G.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-04-23 Size: 1CD
Aveva Process Simulation V2024.1AVEVA Process Simulation brings agility to the entire process lifecycle of design, simulation, training, and operations to deliver the process side of the Digital Twin and accelerate the engineering cycle.Find the optimal design through fast evaluation of design alter.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-04-23 Size: 1DVD
PHAWorks RA Edition v2023Primatech's consulting services have ranged over the full spectrum of process safety and risk management. Our traditional projects cover such areas as process hazard analyses (PHAs), of which we have conducted literally thousands, audits, PSM program development, procedu.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-04-15 Size: 1CD
Schlumberger PIPESIM 2023.1Schlumberger Pipeline provides stable multiphase flow modeling for oil and gas production systems. A single Schlumberger Pipeline module is used for many analytical studies, such as oil well modeling, mechanized production optimization, pipeline and process equipment model.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-04-07 Size: 1DVD
CMG COFLOW V2023.4CMG COFLOW V2023.4 | CMG COFLOW V2023.4 is a high-precision, multidisciplinary collaborative simulation environment that supports reservoir and oil production engineers in making scientific evaluations of large-scale oil and gas projects. CoFlow is the industry's first fully .....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-03-28 Size: 1DVD
Zeataline Projects PipeData-PRO v14.1.08PipeData-PRO является простой в использовании компьютерной программой, предоставляющей доступ к обширной базе данных труб, трубопроводов, фланцев.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-03-28 Size: 1CD
Schlumberger Petrel 2024Petrel is an integrated software solution that enables you to solve all your subsurface challenges - from seismic interpretation through reservoir simulation. Petrel eliminates the communication problems that exist between different software packages and associated technical .....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-03-27 Size: 1DVD
Petrosys PRO 2023.2.3 (08-March-2024)
Petrosys PRO 2023.2.3 takes visualization to the next level with a completely new X Section module and a Fault Statistics module.
Building on the strong collection of innovative and improved features in the PRO 2023 series across Connectivity, Mapping & Visuali.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-03-19 Size: 1CD
Hexagon CAESAR II v14CAESAR II® is the industry standard for pipe stress analysis, letting you build, assess and report on piping systems of any size or complexity in accordance to more than 35 international piping code standards with multiple editions and alternative calculations as well as man.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2024-03-19 Size: 1DVD
Rodstar 2023
RODSTAR is the industry’s premier design and simulation software for deviated and vertical rod pumping systems.
RODSTAR is the only predictive and design software of its kind to automatically design optimized steel, Corod, fiberglass, or carbon fiber rod strings for you in seconds.....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-03-19 Size: 1CD
QPS Fledermaus 8.6.1
Fledermaus 8.6.1 Release
We're pleased to present Fledermaus version 8.6.1. In this release, we have important updates and improvements. Read below for details.
Video transitions with slides were addressed. You can now work presentation mode, render movie.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2024-03-08 Size: 1DVD
Seismic Pro
Comprehensive software package for near-surface seismic methods Seismic Data PreprocessingPreprocess seismic data with various functions, such as resampling, vertical stacking, nodal data assembling, trace swapping, and format conversionSeismapper iconSeismapper.....
Language : Multi Language Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2024-03-06 Size: 1CD
TNavigator 23.4tNavigator is powerful software for dynamic simulation of oil and gas reservoirs. The program is a joint effort of researchers and the RFD development team. It can be installed on personal systems, portable computers, servers and even HPC clusters. The program is written in C ++ and u.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2024-02-27 Size: 1CD
Intergraph PVElite 26PV Elite® is a complete solution for vessel and heat exchanger design, analysis and evaluation. The program is easy to learn and use so it is perfect for users requiring fast start-up and confidence in their safety code calculations. PV Elite considers the whole vessel, addr.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2024-02-19 Size: 1DVD
dGB Earth Sciences OpendTect 7.0.4
The Team dGB Earth Sciences excited to unveil the latest update to robust OpendTect software, version 7.0.4. Continuously evolving with enhanced features and functionalities, this release packs a punch with several noteworthy additions.What's new in this releas.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2024-02-16 Size: 1DVD
PerGeos 2023.2
This is a leading company in the field of scientific research and analysis. One of its unique software solutions is PerGeos, a powerful data processing and visualization tool. Its visualization, processing, and analysis of 2D and 3D digital rock imagery enable improved evaluation of r.....
Language : Multi Language Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2024-02-04 Size:
Gohfer v9.5.0.6GOHFER 9 is a multidisciplinary comprehensive geological fault simulator that includes all necessary tools for conventional and unconventional well completion design, analysis, and optimization. GOHFER is a grid oriented hydraulic fracture extension replicator, which is a planar three.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2024-02-01 Size: 1CD
AVEVA PRO/II Simulation 2024AVEVA PRO/II Simulation optimizes plant performance by improving process design and operational analysis and performing engineering studies. Designed to perform rigorous heat and material balance calculations for a wide range of chemical processes, AVEVA PRO/II Simulation.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2024-01-27 Size: 1DVD
Schlumberger PIPESIM 2024.1
In a word, Schlumberger PIPESIM software can calculate the exact amount needed to meet the challenges of fluid flow and production optimization.
One of the engineers’ biggest concerns is the safe design of wells and pipelines to ensure that the liquids produced safe.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2024-01-15 Size: 1DVD
DNV GL Phast Safeti 9.0.73
Phast is a globally adopted solution for modelling discharge, dispersion, fires, explosions and toxic effects of a wide range of loss of containment scenarios.
Process safety professionals benefit from 40 years’ worth of development and validation by our industr.....
Language : Multi Language Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2024-01-03 Size: 1DVD
Landmark GVERSE GeoGraphix 2023GeoGraphix (fondly referred to as GGX), was founded in Denver, Colorado to build the world's first geoscience software on Windows. GVERSE GeoGraphix is the latest evolution in G&G software that delivers advanced geological and geophysical interpretation at an excep.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2023-12-20 Size: 1DVD
AVEVA_PROII_Simulation_2023AVEVA PRO/II Simulation optimizes plant performance by improving process design and operational analysis and performing engineering studies. Designed to perform rigorous heat and material balance calculations for a wide range of chemical processes, AVEVA PRO/II Simulation .....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2023-12-11 Size: 1DVD
AVEVA PIPEPHASE Pipeline Network Design 2023
Robust and Efficient Pipeline System Designs
Pipeline Network Design can model applications ranging from single well sensitivity analyses of key parameters, to a multi-year planning study for an entire production field. Pipeline Network Design imp.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2023-12-11 Size: 1DVD
Intrepid Geophysics GeoModeller 2023ntrepid Geophysics develops software and provides services for potential field geophysics. It has carved out a strong reputation in geophysical processing and interpretation, and software development.GeoModeller is a software tool for 3D geological modelling. For .....
Language : english Authorization: Pre Release Freshtime:2023-12-11 Size: 1DVD
Thunderhead Pathfinder 2023.2.0816Pathfinder product Thunderhead Engineering, utility software to simulate the evacuation of personnel from the various facilities.With this program, the population of people under certain critical conditions such as earthquake, fire, flood and drain of a specified lo.....
Language : english Authorization: Retail Freshtime:2023-12-07 Size: 1CD