Schlumberger PIPESIM 2023.1


Schlumberger PIPESIM 2023.1
Schlumberger Pipeline provides stable multiphase flow modeling for oil and gas production systems. A single Schlumberger Pipeline module is used for many analytical studies, such as oil well modeling, mechanized production optimization, pipeline and process equipment modeling, and oilfield development planning. Schlumberger Pipeline is a modeling module used for the development, design, and operation of oil wells, pipelines, facilities, and networks. These modules can be integrated together to build a complete production system model, from an oilfield to a central distribution point, as well as special modules for optimizing the entire oilfield scale and oilfield development planning. Schlumberger Pipesim is part of the Avocet Integrated Asset Modeler (Avocet IAM) oilfield integrated modeling solution, which integrates mineral, well, and production equipment models, collection, preparation, processing, and financial economic models into a single production asset management system.
Main specifications:
-Multiphase stable flow modeling;
Rapid conceptual research;
-Calculation of pipelines and process equipment;
-Calculation of required diameter for pipelines;
-Research and optimization of model sensitivity;
-Ensure the flow of high-precision hydrothermal models;
-Analysis of flow mode, fluid dynamic blockage conditions, and scraper cleaning effect;
-Equipment size calculation;
-Calculation of insulation characteristics;
-Calculate well models included in the same model.
Equipment model:
-Multiphase pump;
-Compressors and pressure reducers;
-Heating and cooling devices;
Advantages of PipeSim software:
-Simulate various fluid collection networks, pressurization systems, and trunk pipelines.
-Oil well modeling and calculation of oil well pressure and temperature losses.
-Modeling and calculation of various mixtures, including viscous and high viscosity petroleum.
-Using Open Link technology to provide a wide range of automation features.

