Kappa Ecrin v4.11203


he objective of this document is to give a quick yet exhaustive overview of the v4.12 additions. Items have been split into the following categories: Analysis – Saphir – Topaze – Diamant – Rubis - Generic. The format is deliberately concise. For more detailed information, please refer to the Update Notes available on the Ecrin v4.12 download page. Amethyste: Well Performance Analysis Ecrin v4.12 includes major additions to existing modules but Ecrin v4.12 also integrates a whole new module for Well performance Analysis called Amethyste. If you are using any KAPPA product, you have access to Amethyste until April 2010. With Amethyste in Ecrin, any module may now run a complex wellbore model dynamically. You can refer to the Amethyste white pages on the Ecrin v4.12 download page for more details. .Numerical - Unconsolidated in multiphase (NL) - Desorption in gas or gas-water using Langmuir isotherm model to address shale gas and coalbed methane situations; saturated or undersaturated (NL and Rubis) - Desorption with diffusion in the coal matrix (NL and Rubis) - Desorption combined with unconsolidation (NL) - Fractured horizontal well - ‘Stadium’ composite region for horizontal and fractured wells New structure The Topaze document structure was changed to allow the multiwell mode. The changes have brought the following enhancements: ‐ PVT in the analysis - Distinct reference wells in different analyses - Reference well and PVT can be changed after creation - Any rate can be loaded (no init checkboxes) Plots ‐ ‘Flowing material balance’ plot ‐ Multiwell option in BTC, p-q, q-Q plots ‐ Generate model from all relevant diagnostic plots ‐ King p/z* analysis for CB
