PaleoScan 2020


PaleoScan 2020

PaleoScan™ Core is the new generation of 2D/3D seismic interpretation platform. It includes all the necessary tools to run a comprehensive workflow, from data loading to generation of interpreted objects in a user-friendly environment, offering rapid data screening and cross navigation. PaleoScan™ offers a comprehensive approach to semi-automatically interpret seismic volumes, in addition to the standard interpretation tools for horizons, faults and multi-Z objects. Thanks to powerful editing tools, the interpretation can be refined and the geological model can be previewed in real time. A suite of applications allows:

  • Computing a large panel of attributes (spectral decomposition, etc.)
  • Generating a large number of horizons, the stratal-slicing of volumes
  • Extracting and quantifying geobodies
  • Interpreting, enhancing and characterizing faults & fractures
  • Cross correlating wells and markers and log types.

PaleoScan™ takes also advantage of parallel computing with the latest multi-core technologies.




PaleoScan™ add-on modules propose a suite of applications derived from the geological model but also based on quantitative interpretation.

The Advanced Interpretation module builds a chronostratigraphic framework to transform seismic data in the Wheeler domain, to delineate stratigraphic sequences, automatically extract geobodies and build interactively a watertight model for geomodeling applications.  Color blending tools, combined with spectral decomposition, are available to characterize sedimentary deposits as well as structural event through volumes and horizons.

The Time-Depth module includes all the standards tools to perform seismic to well tie (sonic calibration, wavelet extraction and synthetic seismogram generation), with a forward modeling workflow to compute a synthetic model in real time for better constraining such a complex process. It offers an interactive velocity model generation and depth conversion tools.

The Properties Modeling module offers in a very interactive environment various methods  to rock type information coming from the well/logs within the model, from the simple interpolation to more complex kriging techniques, and therefore to precisely predict rock physics property distribution.
