Gedco Vista 10


Page 1 Interactive Model Building Window Build 2D models in either time or depth with the new Model Building Window using pre-stack or post-stack input data. Display propagated wave fronts on the model along with the pre-stack migrated data as a transparency overlay. Interactive Seismic Window A new difference icon has been added to the seismic compare window toolbar. Project Data List Window Add SEG-D files directly to the project using the new SEG-D data input icon. A new SEG-D input dialog has been added to allow the user to select a mapping dictionary for the various SEG-D headers. A new ‘WELLS’ tab has been added to the Project Data List which allows the users to work with well log files directly in the VISTA project tree. Ability to sort columns in Decending/Ascending order has been added when the user right clicks on the column titles. Variable Record Stacking Option The flow commands Vertical Shot Stack and Vertical Sort Stack have been modified to include variable record stacking. This option allows the user to select the header word to stack from. A new Diversity Stack option has also been added to these commands. Batch Flow Window Two tabs have been added to the batch flow window to automatically sort job flows by status. Jobs which are Executed and Queued are now displayed on separate tabs. Graph Seismic Trace Window The graph seismic trace window now display a user defined Max. Amp on the top axis of the graph. Header View/Edit Window A new toolbar icon has been added to sort the spread-sheet by a selected column. Elevation/Refraction Statics Window A new 2D and 3D Inline/Xline window has been added for displaying statics and model cross-section views. The option for selecting ‘Shots in Weathering Layer’ has been removed and is now automatically calculated for each shot. Interactive SEG-Y/SEG-D File Browser Utility A new SEG-Y/SEG-D disk file browser window has been added to the VISTA Utilities menu. All header information is also displayed along with user defined dictionary headers. Interactive Flow Window Added the ability to zoom in/out and print the current flow window. A new flow note group delete icon has been added to the toolbar. Interactive Image Picker (PSTM) Added the option for more 3D display lines to include Next/Previous Inline and Xline. Hotkey functionality has been added to the seismic display. Velocity Graph Display Added dashed lines to the velocity graph display to annotate the interpolated velocity picks. First Break Picking Added the option to save first break picks using a GLI formatted text file. New 2D Geometry SPS Import Dialog The SPS import dialog has been improved in the 2D geometry window to be more flexible and load more items from the SPS files. Header Trace Info Viewer A new sorting sub-group icon has been added to the info v
