PCI Geomatica 2016 for win64


PCI Geomatica 2016 for win64 The Automatic DEM Extraction module allows you to create Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) from stereo airphotos, s tereo images and RADAR data. Image correlation is used to extract matching pixels in two overlapping images and then use the sensor geometry from a computed math model to calculate x, y, and z positions. Automatic DEM extraction allows you to batch epipolar generation, batch the DEM extraction process, geocode DEMs, and create absolute or relative DEMs. PCI Module Prerequisites OrthoEngine Automatic DEM Extraction requires Geomatica Core or Geomatica Prime, plus one of the associated sensor suites (Air Phot o Ortho, Satellite Ortho, or Radar Ortho) . Supported Sensors The Automatic DEM Extraction module supports the following aerial , satellite and RADAR sensor types. Aerial Sensors • All digital and video frame images • All scanned, standard air photos Satellite Sensors In general terms, DEM extraction should work for any satellite sensor that produces stereo data. The following list is known sensors that have been tested: • ALOS (PRISM) • ASTER • CARTOSAT • EROS • GEOEYE • IKONOS • KOMPSAT -2 • KOMPSAT -3


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