Deswik Suite 2023.2.818


Deswik Suite 2023.2.818

Deswik Suite is a specialized software for designing, modeling and managing the operations of various mining projects, published by Deswik. The software consists of a total of 35 different modules, each of which has unique applications and adds specific functions to the core of the software. The four basic software modules are called Deswik.CAD, Deswik.Sched, Deswik.MD and Deswik.OPS, respectively, and the other four modules are then given lower priority. This software helps engineers and industrial managers to work faster and more professionally. With the help of this software, design and operations team time is saved and engineers can design more detailed plans and operational plans, study different scenarios and as a result save financial, time and human resources.

This software is almost an interdisciplinary tool and has been used by various people such as mining engineers, geologists, surveyors, production and operations supervisors, etc. The modules of this software are classified into 6 titles: design, planning, blasting and drilling, mapping, geology, operations and operational process management, and each has its own applications. Despite being separate without software modules, the data flow between them will not stop under any circumstances and the user can use the data of one module simultaneously (Real-Time) in other modules as well.

Deswik Modules:

  • Deswik.CAD: Advanced solid design and modeling platform with fully professional data management capabilities
  • Deswik.Sched: Planning and Managing Mining Processes Using the Gantt Chart
  • Deswik.IS: Advanced interactive planning tool
  • Deswik.LHS: Landform analysis and physical properties of the earth and mineral transfer methods with the ability to model and analyze scenario-based
  • Deswik.AdvOPM: Open pit (open pit mining) and open pit mining
  • Deswik.AdvUGM: Mining and Extraction of Underground Metals
  • Deswik.AdvUGC: Extraction of underground coal mines
  • Deswik.AdvOCC: Open Mining
  • Deswik.OPSTS: Short-term open source mining planning
  • Deswik.GO: Global Optimization
  • Deswik.LandformEng: Landform Engineering & Analysis
  • Deswik.WaterCatchment: Watershed analysis

Deswik Features:

  • Providing 35 application software modules in various fields of mining such as design, operations management, geology, planning and …
  • Instant information flow between different modules
  • Advanced solid design and modeling with professional data management capabilities
  • Short-term and long-term planning for various mining projects

