Synopsys SpiceExplorer 2008.03 SP1 Linux


The installation instructions in this document are the most up-to-date available at the time of production. However, changes might have occurred. For the latest installation information, see the product release notes or documentation. This document provides instructions for the UNIX, Linux, and Windows platforms. The document includes the following sections: Preparing for Installation Installing SpiceExplorer and WaveView Analyzer (UNIX and Windows) Invoking SpiceExplorer and WaveView Analyzer on Windows Installing the SX-CDS Link Package Installing the SX-DAIC Link Package Installing the SX-VSDE Link Package Viewing and Printing SpiceExplorer and WaveView Analyzer Documentation in Portable Document Format (PDF) Troubleshooting SpiceExplorer and WaveView Analyzer Installation on Solaris Platforms Uninstalling SpiceExplorer and WaveView Analyzer Customer Support


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