Synopsys TetraMax 2008.09 SP5 Linux

  • Size:118MB
  • Language:english
  • Platform:Winxp/Win7
  • Freshtime:2009-07-02
  • Search:Synopsys TetraMax 2008


Installing TetraMAX This section describes Synopsys license key requirements and the two types of installation for TetraMAX ATPG and TetraMAX IddQTest, version B-2008.09. You can install TetraMAX as a stand-alone product or as an overlay product. • Stand-alone (txs) Install TetraMAX stand-alone in its own directory. The product ID for the stand-alone version is txs. • Overlay (tx) Install TetraMAX overlay in the same directory as the appropriate release of the synthesis tools. See “Overlay Installation” The product ID for the overlay version is tx. Note: If you are going to install TetraMAX IddQTEST, you must install it first (see “Optional Installation of IddQTest”), then install TetraMAX ATPG as an overlay to the synthesis tools. License Key Requirements TetraMAX version B-2008.09 uses the Synopsys Common Licensing (SCL) system. For information about downloading SCL, installing SCL, or setting the license variable, see Installing Synopsys Tools at Note: Optional features such as Diagnosis, IddQTest, PatternMap, DSMTest, and distributed ATPG each require a separate license. For specific information on the licenses required for TetraMAX options, install the product and see the online Help topic “Understanding TetraMAX License Usage.” Running TetraMAX in 64-Bit Mode In 64-bit mode, TetraMAX supports both the shell and GUI on Solaris, AMD64, and Suse64 platforms. To invoke TetraMAX ATPG in 64-bit mode, use the -64 switch. % tmax -64 [other options] An alternative method is to set the TMAX_64BIT variable to true (or to any string other than null).


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