RSoft Component suite 2013.12


RSoft Design Group produces photonic design and simu- lation software for both passive and active optical com- ponents for optical communications, optoelectronics and semiconductor manufacturing. The software is used by these organizations to reduce costs of creating a physi- cal prototype, to assess design risks, and to assist in the discovery of new products from creating "what if" prod- uct scenarios. These key benefits enable a faster design process and shorter time to market. The RSoft Component Suites RSoft currently addresses both passive and active devices through two design suites, a Passive Device Suite and an Active Device Suite. Each suite has a CAD environment, simulation engines and can utilize an optimization utility. Some of the key applications of our products include: RSoft Passive Device Suite RSoft CAD Environment - Layout and control program shared by all of RSoft’s passive device simulators BeamPROP- Simulates waveguides and fiber applications FullWAVE- Simulates PBG and optical nanotechnology applications BandSOLVE- Simulates band structures of PBG devices GratingMOD- Simulates optical gratings and fiber bragg gratings DiffractMOD- Simulates diffractive gratings and Semiconductor Surface Gratings MOST- A design optimization utility for all RSoft tools RSoft Active Device Suite LaserMOD- Simulates active device applications Overview: The RSoft Component Suite-for Passive and Active Device Design.


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