Introducing JMAG-Designer V16.0


Introducing JMAG-Designer V16.0 Key features in JMAG-Designer Ver.16.0 Here are the main new features in JMAG-Designer Ver.16.0. Functions have been added to address growing awareness to optimal design using large-scale calculations and design exploration. We are also continuing to increase usability for parametric analyses, create a more intuitive calculation environment, and improve large case / large scale issue handling. These new functions will strongly support the design process using optimum design, detailed loss evaluation, and analysis of combined issue of magnetic field, structural, and thermal fluid. The concept of direct modeling has also been incorporated into the JMAG Geometry Editor. Imported CAD data can now be freely edited as well. New geometry parametric analysis has been implemented. In order to realize more efficient calculations by performing hundreds of cases simultaneously, such as for parametric analyses, optimization calculations, and JMAG-RT, a wider range of support has been given to Linux and the Power Simulation License. Script-related functionality, required for improving work efficiency and automating simulation, has been improved. With an easier to use GUI and added debugging features, scripts can be created even more efficiently. Basic modeling technologies continue to be improved. Material data and functions related to multiphysics have been enhanced. We have also continued working on the GUI to make it more intuitive and user friendly. Improvements have been made to the Circuit Editor in Ver. 16.0, making it easier to use.


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