Concept spicevision 4.7.1 Win

  • Size:10MB
  • Language:english
  • Platform:Winxp/Win7
  • Freshtime:2010-04-10
  • Search:Concept spicevision


SpiceVision PRO 4.7.1 takes the complex SPICE descriptions produced by many EDA tools and generates clean, easy-to-read transistorlevel schematics and circuit fragments, and design documentation to speed up debugging and project development. Spice circuits and models are the common currency of the EDA world. They are generated by many EDA tools and provide a description of the circuit at the lowest level of components: the transistors, capacitors, resistors and even the interconnect, that combine to produce, for example, an IC. But for all but the most trivial design, Spice files are difficult to read. SpiceVision generates circuit schematics on screen and speeds up debugging and project development. The SpiceVision product family helps to solve design problems in: Digital Circuits, Mixed-Signal ASICs, Analog Circuits, Printed Circuit Boards and MEMS.


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