ATK Magic Tool Suite 7.43

  • Size:63MB
  • Language:english
  • Platform:Winxp/Win7
  • Freshtime:2009-09-01
  • Search:ATK Magic Tool Suite 7


The MAGIC Tool Suite includes MAGIC2D, a two- and one-half dimensional code (2D fields and 3D particle kinematics), MAGIC3D, a fully three-dimensional counterpart to MAGIC2D, and POSTER, a general-purpose post-processor.  The MAGIC codes are electromagnetic particle-in-cell codes, i.e., a finite-difference, time-domain code for simulating plasma physics processes, i.e., those processes that involve interactions between space charge and electromagnetic fields.
Beginning from a specified initial state, the code simulates a physical process as it evolves in time.  The full set of Maxwell’s time-dependent equations is solved to obtain electromagnetic fields.  Similarly, the complete Lorentz force equation is solved to obtain relativistic particle trajectories, and the continuity equation is solved to provide current and charge densities for Maxwell's equations.  This approach, commonly referred to as electromagnetic particle-in-cell (PIC), provides self-consistence, i.e. interaction between charged particles and electromagnetic fields.  In addition, the code has been provided with powerful algorithms to represent structural geometries, material properties, incoming and outgoing waves, particle emission processes, and so forth.  As a result, the code is applicable to broad classes of plasma physics problems.


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