
With HALCON 11, genuine object identification becomes reality. Sample-based identification is capable to differentiate a large number of objects. This technology can recognize trained objects only based on characteristic features like color or texture, thereby eliminating the need to use special imprints like bar codes or data codes for object identification purposes. This even works with warped objects or varying perspective views of the object. An additional option is to learn an object from any side by using samples showing all relevant views. No other software provides a similar technology. HALCON 11 lets you enter new identification markets. 3D surface comparison 3D surface comparison The new 3D surface comparison between expected and measured shape of a 3D object surface is an outstanding technology of HALCON 11. The surface can be reconstructed by any 3D technology available in HALCON like multi-view stereo, sheet of light, or by ready-to-run 3D hardware scanners which are also directly supported by HALCON. HALCON's 3D surface comparison evaluates the resulting point cloud with the trained object model. HALCON 11 controls the quality of an object's shape and thus lets you enter new markets. 3D object processing 3D object processing HALCON's comprehensive 3D vision features were enhanced and improved by registration and triangulation of point clouds, calculation of features like shape and volume, segmentation of point clouds by cutting planes, and many more. HALCON 11 lets you detect and process 3D objects with great 3D vision features. improved photometric stereo Improved photometric stereo, in particular useful for surface inspection Surface inspection is a widely used application area in industry. By HALCON 11's improved photometric stereo, 3D surface inspection is enhanced. It makes use of shadows to detect dents in surfaces fast and easily. reading of Aztec Codes Reading of Aztec Codes HALCON provides a robust and reliable data code reader for many well-established 2D codes. The Aztec code is typically used in ticketing applications. HALCON 11 employs the reliable and robust HALCON data code reader now also for Aztec codes and lets you enter related markets. reading of Micro QR Codes Reading of Micro QR Codes The Micro QR code is mainly used for identification of small objects if the normal QR code is too large. HALCON 11 employs the reliable and robust HALCON data code reader now also for Micro QR codes and lets you enter related markets. automatic feature selection for classification Automatic feature selection for classification HALCON's new automatic feature selection for classification is really important for object/defect classification. Normally, the programmer must select the features. The automatic feature selection now makes a proposal to optimize a bundle of features. HALCON 11 accelerates the application coding for object/defect classification. fast algorithms and extended GPU support Fast algorithms and extended GPU support HALCON's automatic operator parallelization (AOP) is a unique feature. Furthermore, HALCON 11 supports machine vision algorithms using GPU processing with more than 75 operators, more than any other standard software package provides. Moreover, depth from focus, Fast Fourier Transformation, and HALCON's local deformable matching are significantly accelerated. HALCON 11 lets you feel fast machine vision. HDevelop profiler tool Profiler tool in IDE HDevelop is HALCON's integrated development environment (IDE). The new profiler tool automatically analyzes the programmer's code and thus significantly accelerates the programming with HDevelop. HALCON 11 provides the programmer with a powerful tool to check his code. new revised HALCON/C++ interface New revised HALCON/C++ interface HALCON 11 alternatively provides a new revised HALCON/C++ interface that will substitute the already existing HALCON/C++ interface in the future. This interface eases the programming with C++ significantly. HALCON 11 improves code writing to state-of-the-art technology. support of Mac OS X Support of Mac OS X In addition to the operating systems Microsoft Windows and Linux, HALCON 11 now also runs on the operating system Mac OS X. HALCON 11 has entered the Apple world to reach another worldwide established user community.


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