

OASYS.Suite.14.0 The Oa sys Ltd LS - DYNA Environment 1 4 . 0 suite, dated March 201 7 is a full release which supersedes all previous releases. This document lists the enhancements that have been made during development, and the bugs that have been fixed (since 1 3 . 1 ). Each “case id” referred to in these lists is unique and should be cited if more information or clarification are required. 1.1 Compatibility with LS - DYNA releases The 1 4 . 0 release has been used and tested wit h LS - DYNA version R9 . 0 , and suppor ts all the keywords in volumes I, II and III of the R9.0 User’s Manual dat ed August 2016 LS - DYNA R9.0 is now the default keyword output format from PRIMER . (However output may be generated for later releases of LS - DYNA.)
