
RealFlow is a unique fluids and body dynamics software package which allows you to simulate anything from a single drop of water to a massive tsunami crashing across a beach, sweeping debris in its wake. RealFlow remains the definitive tool for the creation of flawlessly realistic simulations, and has been used to produce some of the most ground-breaking visual effects ever seen, in movies like “Avatar”, “District 9”, “2012”, “GI Joe”, and “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”, as well as commercials, TV programs, and game cinematics. RealFlow is a unique fluids and body dynamics software package which allows you to simulate anything from a single drop of water to a massive tsunami crashing across a beach, sweeping debris in its wake. RealFlow remains the definitive tool for the creation of flawlessly realistic simulations, and has been used to create some of the most ground-breaking visual effects ever seen, in movies like “Avatar”, “District 9”, “2012”, “GI Joe”, and “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”, as well as countless commercials, TV programs, and game cinematics.
