GridPRO 7


GridPRO 7.0

GridProv7.0 SP1 is aservice pack version. This is releasedon July 2020.The version has critical bug fixes and documentation updates. Updates:1.Updated the Installation Guide with some more troubleshooting options.2.Modified the triangulation of the surface provided in Advanced Tutorial 3.Bug Fixes:3.Fixed a critical bug in license manager where it fails to renew while running the grid generator.4.Fixed a crash in reverse nest while executing on a mildly/mediumly/very severe singularity topology. 5.Fixed a bug in boundary layer clustering dialog box where it fails to execute the secondtime. 6.Fixed a crash in align to surface while trying to align on a periodic surface. Now it throws an error message.7.Fixed a bug in grid extrude where it fails to output when it is executed second time on a different grid. 8.Fixed a bug in controlnet curves where it fails to output in certain 2D cases.9.Fixed an issue in the surface files of Medium Tutorial 5.
