
B&K PULSE This is a FastTrack version of PULSE, resolving the specific issues listed below. The issues that have been resolved in this FastTrack version are: PULSE Reflex and LabShop - Resolved issue of system crash in Reflex when using headphone front panel UA-2118-022 PULSE Reflex Platform - .pti files recorded in Time Data Recorder v. 19 can now be opened in PULSE Reflex PULSE Reflex Core - HDF importer can now import multi-sampled Artemis 8.1 files as channel order using ".." PULSE LabShop and applications PULSE LabShop - Improved procedure for stopping and starting measurements while measuring overall peaks in the Overall Analyzer - Improved CAN Logger in PULSE 21 - The limit on the number of CAN signals processed has been removed PULSE Electroacoustics - Bluetooth pairing now enabled between Jabra Speak510 and Digital Audio Interface BZ-5829 when using Windows® 10 PULSE Sound Power - Improved license checker for mapping interface in Sound Power Type 7882


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