
  • Size:1CD
  • Language:english
  • Platform:Winxp/Win7
  • Freshtime:2013-12-17
  • Search:Gexcon.FLACS.v9.0


FLACS is a comprehensive, yet easy to use, software tool for modelling (dispersion and explosion) consequences in full 3D for all typical flammable and toxic release scenarios. It is used extensively in the Oil and Gas and Process industries and also increasingly in the nuclear industry, in facilities with dust explosion potential and many other fields. By modelling with CFD (Computation Fluid Dynamics) in full 3D it is possible to predict consequences much more accurately and to include the effect of all contributing and mitigating effects (such as confinement and congestion due to real geometry, ventilation, deluge). A better understanding and higher accuracy of results not only contributes to raising the true level of safety but also allows designers to choose truly effective design option and mitigation measures and thereby improving both safety and cost effectiveness way. FLACS is a consequence modelling software tool which provides you with: Integrated explosion and dispersion modelling capabilities Consequence modelling in Full-3D Geometry import (Microstation dgn v7/8 format, PDMS(via dgn), PDS, AutoReagas) Efficient manual editing of geometry 2-phase (flashing liquid) modelling Gas mixtures Transient (time dependent) modelling Include effects of mitigation and preventive measures Accurate and extensively validated results Various different options for viewing results (2D, 3D, animations, text file output) A better understanding of the phenomena and results Comprehensive user guidelines based on extensive validation against experiments FLACS is used extensively for the following applications: Offshore Explosion study (both risk based and deterministic) Onshore building risk assessments (i.e. control room or temporary buildings) Gas detector optimisation Toxic dispersion calculations Dust Explosions (with FLACS-DustEx) Accident investigation (FLACS was used for investigating many different accidents such as Piper Alpha, Buncefield, Deep water Horizon, Texas City Refinery, TWA 800 aircraft accident) FLACS is used extensively by: Almost all major Oil and Gas companies Technical Safety consultants Engineering contractors Research institutes (including nuclear) Universities
