
::::::English Description::::::

RealFlow has been used for the production of spectacular effects in numerous major movies. These include Primeval, 300, Meet the Robinsons, Poseidon, X-Men 3 (The last stand), Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, and Ice Age 2 (The Meltdown) to name but a few. It has also been used to produce effects for countless commercials and television products worldwide.
RF4.3 is more than just a bug fix, there are several new and improved features………

• The stacking procedure in the rigid body solver is now up to 4 times faster, is more stable, and several problems relating to increase of energy during the process have been solved. There is also more stability with constraints in collision, and a new scripting function to detect collision between keyframed rigid bodies. The spline emitter and daemon emitter manipulation have also been improved.
• A new tool has been added in the Edit->Reset Transformations menu to reset the transformation matrix of a node. It is a shortcut of setting the position, rotation and angles of the node to their initial values.
• A new tool has been added in the Edit->Freeze Transformations menu to reset the transformation matrix of an object, whilst preserving the vertices at their current positions.
• Improved interaction between fluids and rigid bodies with dynmotion set to No
• A new command line option -reset has been added. When this option is enabled the scene is reset before the simulation.
• A new system script from Mark Stasiuk at Fusion CI Studios ( has been incorporated to normalize the age of the particles. This script will re-set the ages of particles from absolute values (seconds) to normalized values (0 at birth to 1 at death).  Normalized age is the standard input for particle rendering in 3D packages.

To name but a few! And some of the many bug fixes…….
- Bug #967- add Mesh function crashes RealFlow when the script is run from the command line.
- Bug #976- The get Parameter function has a memory leak.
- Bug #964- The downstream feature doesn’t work at the same speed for different parts of the surface when the number of threads is > 1.
- Bug #997- Once a node has been renamed the change is not updated in the selection list tool.
- Bug #998 Objects coming from OBJ files have their vertices mirrored if the axis setup is different from YXZ(LightWave, Cinema4D).
- Bug #1002 - If the axis setup is different from YXZ(Ligthwave, Cinema4D) the exported SD files have the normals inverted.
- Bug #1004 - Realwave mesh is not updated properly when the axis setup is changed. This may cause axis flipping when trying to use the command line to simulate a scene with a Realwave object that has an axis setup different from YXZ(LightWave, Cinema4D).

For full details of the new features, improvements, and a full bug fix list, please download the release notes from the RF4 download area.




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