Strand7 R2.4.6


Strand7 R2.4.6

trand7 Pty Ltd is pleased to announce the availability of Strand7 Release 2.4.6 is fully-integrated visual environment - combined with a suite of powerful solvers - gives you unparalleled functionality in a single application.

Strand7 - a general purpose FEA system for structural analysis and heat transfer is now used for a wide range of structural analysis applications in mechanical, civil, structural, aeronautical, mining, marine, transportation and biomechanical engineering.

Strand7's fully-integrated visual environment - combined with a suite of powerful solvers - gives you unparalleled functionality in a single application. Construct models, run analyses and investigate results simultaneously using a seamless interface.

Strand7 Webnotes are a comprehensive online library of resource materials covering Strand7 modelling, application, usage and installation, plus general background and theory of FEA.
