ADAPT Builder 2009 Build4


ADAPT Builder 2009.4 is a comprehensive and integrated solution for the analysis and design of post-tensioned and conventional concrete floor systems and beams. ADAPT-Builder is an umbrella program that allows you a variety of design and analysis options by activating one or more of its computational modules, including analysis by the Finite Element Method (FEM). Using Component Technology, ADAPT-Builder generates a true three-dimensional model of the structure as it appears on the architectural drawings. Using this geometrically true model for its computations, ADAPT-Builder can provide the correct location, amount and length of reinforcement needed for construction.

The ADAPT-Builder suite of programs includes the following components:
For generation of three dimensional structural models with capability to create input data for ADAPT-Builder suite of products (included in standard ADAPT-Builder package).

ADAPT-Floor Pro
For finite element analysis of concrete floor systems and beam frames with or without prestressing.

ADAPT-SOG for post-tensioned slabs on expansive or compressible soil
This finite element (FEM) program is tailored for the analysis of post-tensioned foundation slabs, with or without ribs, on either expansive or compressible soils. It is based on an Extension of the PTI method (E-PTI). The application of the software is for residential, or light industrial buildings. The program generates a graphical model of the entire foundation slabs, analyzes the foundation and performs stress checks for conformance with PTI specifications.

ADAPT-MAT for mat foundations
This finite element (FEM) program generates a graphical model of a ground supported slab mat with or without grade beams. The model can be generated using either an available DWG or DXF file of the foundation, or through user input. The mat can be of any irregular shape and subject to any kind of loading from above. Using an adaptive meshing and finite elements, the program analyzes the mat and determines the location, amount and length of all the reinforcement needed by computation. Where applicable, under horizontal loading or moments, the program accounts for the separation of a mat from the soil.
