BENTLEY Parametric Cell Studio


Parametric Cell Studio (PC Studio) is extremely powerful modeling technology known as dimension-driven, feature-based, parametric modeling. It allows Bentley Architecture users to define and create parametric, associative building components and assemblies such as doors, windows, stairs, casework, roofs, trusses, curtain walls, handrails, fixtures, equipment, and more. Placed in Bentley Architecture, the DataGroup system not only allows the association of user-definable attributes with PC Studio components, but also drives their parametric dimensions and variables, thus allowing an unlimited number of variations. Most of the dataset content delivered with Bentley Architecture (doors, windows, curtain walls, handrails, and so on) has been created with PC Studio. Some of the key features of PC Studio include: * Named dimensions and variables * Dimensional constraints and rules * Mathematical formulae in dimensions * Component arrays along a 2D path or face of a solid * Expressions to relate dimension or variable to others * Component substitution PC Studio is an integral part of Bentley Architecture and automatically delivered and installed free of charge.


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