Bentley Cadastre V8i


What's New in Bentley Cadastre V8i? Multiple Labeling Command for Faces There is a new command that lets you label an individual face (parcel) as many times as is desired. Multiple Topology Layers Schema wizard supports multiple layers by defining multiple topology layers within your XFM schema. A topology layer may also participate in other layer(s). The schema wizard allows the definition of multiple layers and persistent topology layer configuration in a single execution, and a new layer may be added to your schema at any time. By selecting the “Additional Layer” option, you are re-directed back to the layer definition page: Layers or features may be deleted or renamed by right-clicking on selected nodes. A feature may be dragged from one layer to another to allow features to participate in more than a single layer. Convert Feature Convert feature is a new tool created to support multiple topology layers. It is used to convert a boundary or node feature of one topology layer to a boundary or node feature of another topology layer. This command forces the terminating point of the current deed call (the PT) to become the new Point-Of-Beginning (POB) of the parcel and the deed calls are re-ordered/re-calculated based upon that starting point. Reading GEOPAK Data COGO is now able to read a GEOPAK formatted file from a plain text (.txt) file. Simply open the appropriately formatted document (either GEOPAK.txt or Bentley COGO.dat) and the resulting deed calls will be loaded into the COGO dialog. (Re)annotating boundaries You may select from two modes via the toolbox option button: * Boundary: user identifies an existing boundary feature. Any existing label will be replaced/repositioned as specified by the user. If no label exists, then one is created and added to the boundary feature. * Node: user identifies two nodes. An “orphan” boundary label feature will then by created and placed as specified by the user. The distance shown will be that between the two existing nodes selected.
