Bentley MicroStation PowerDraft V8i


Premier 2D / 3D Drafting and Detailing for Infrastructure Projects MicroStation PowerDraft is the premier application for the production of all types of project documentation for engineers, architects, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owners who need to document, detail, and map infrastructure projects. As a companion product to information modeling products from Bentley and others, MicroStation PowerDraft users can easily and reliably incorporate existing data and document projects of any scale in order to produce precise physical and digital deliverables. Its unmatched fidelity working with DWG and DGN data and extensive interoperability support for other data types like point clouds, geospatially referenced data, and raster imagery ensures that users can work seamlessly with an entire project team incorporating any information into their final hardcopy and digital deliverables. In addition to the traditional printed drawings and details, MicroStation PowerDraft enables the production of information-rich PDFs, innovative hypermodels, large plots, and plot sets. MicroStation PowerDraft is a cost-effective and extremely robust tool that meets the documentation needs of infrastructure teams across every discipline. Ask yourself: How much time and money does your project team lose due to errors and changes that result from a lack of confidence in project documentation? How much time and money does inadequate interoperability cost your project team as a result of manual re-entry of data, data loss, and error-prone translations? How much time is lost using existing information modeling tools that produce poorly quality and incomplete detailed drawings that must be redrawn from scratch? MicroStation PowerDraft is relied upon for speed, power, precision, and confidence by design and construction firms and infrastructure owners in 87 countries throughout the world. Learn more about how MicroStation PowerDraft can save you time and money in the production of all types of infrastructure project deliverables


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