Siemens NX Update


Fixed Problem Reports Selecting RMB-->Workpiece-->Save as - fails to create part Wire-edm operation loses information when copied CAD:- cannot edit scale label which was created with German special character Automatic turning doesn't work; spun from solid fails PS24.00.168 - CAD:- Face becomes invisible when a chamfer is modified NX Turning - Unable to Create the 2D Turning Section Parallel access on data possible PS24.1.140 fix. Unable to complete a Shell update if a Mirrored Body is used Incorrect behaviour of Wire EDM operations after insert 'In-path events' Drawing sheets are duplicated when a file is upgraded from v3 to v4 CAM: PR - Spun Outline Cannot derive outline from solid CAM: Drill to model depth creates endless toolpath in certain conditions Extract Curve Issue , cubic vs quintic - quintic spline is undesirable CAM: PR - Spun_Outline Problem in NX4 with the given Part An invalid tag was passed to the tag module error when opening an assembly Contour_Profile gives unrecognized Tool motions in NX5.0.2.2 Unable to Create the Lathe Cross Section Cannot derive outline from solid Turning - Spun outline does not create the correct geometry CAM: PR - Turning - "Cannot derive outline from solid" error in spun outline Gouges in z-level operation Spun-Outline returns error "Cannot create wire body from outline curves" Could not open NX3 Part Error in MillUser operation -> No MOM MSYS Event while posting TcVis 2007.1 views 2 .prt files as 2 sheets and not 1 sheet like NX5 does CSYS associated with a UDF could not be moved to another Layer Viewing a .prt as 2D in TcVis 2007.1 results in 9 sheets instead of 3 TURNING- Unable to Create a Spun Outline From a Solid Geometry Unable to Create a Spun Outline From a Solid Geometry The content of a locked mesh is deleted Trouble with pro_e transfer Cannot derive Outline from Solid VASC- contour profile operation have steps in the path when multi depth is used Offset(1067) fails update running Playback NX-6: Unwrap divided conical face, not correct When a sheet is deleted in NX the No of sheets in TCE CGM viewer does not update Cannot run ugmanager_transfer_program, ".prt not found" error CAM: PR - Spun-Outline Problem (Cannot derive outline from solid) CAM: PR - Spun-Outline Problem (Cannot create wire body from outline) CAM: PR - Spun-Outline Problem (Cannot derive outline from solid) CAM: PR - Spun-Outline Problem (Cannot derive outline from solid) Turning geometry creation error CAM: PR -Cannot derive outline from solid comes up after using "Turning Part" Cannot edit scale label which was created with German special character CAM: PR - Spun Outline produces Gaps from length about 0.01- 0.02 mm Getting "Cannot derive outline from solid' Unable to Create a Spun Outline from a Solid Body Could not create solid section from Solid Works jt Cloning assembly is deleting IPE rather than linking to the new cloned comp name Variable position Mating Conditions fail to convert to NX6 assembly constraints Cannot derive spun outline from solid part CAD:- after loading facets of an assembly the display is littered with boundaries Incorrect Turning Workpiece Turning a mirrored component gives error "Cannot derive outline from solid" CAM: PR - UDE's not shown in syncmanager-window CAD : Edit -> Move objects does not support WCS orientation ..........and more. Complete list of fixes in archive


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