RnB SplitWorks 2011


plitWorks® is a revolutionary new product, using advanced technology, to automate the process of core and cavity separation and creation for the plastic molding, blow molding, sheet metal (progressive dies, bending), aluminum injecting, investment casting, wax molding for ceramics technology... industries, including advanced technology to update the inserts after any modifications or additions to the part including changed IGES files! * Incorporates process-specific knowledge of mold making in CAMD (Computer Aided Mold Design) software. * Delivers levels of productivity that dramatically outperform traditional mold making software... at an affordable price! * Provides time-to-market gains of 2-1 or better! SplitWorks' intelligence begins by analyzing the part model and then displaying a color coated preview of the part, showing the potential core, cavity, zero draft angle surfaces and surfaces which belong to both the core and the cavity, according to the selected splitting direction. The part may be a solid created within SolidWorks, or imported from any other CAD system via SolidWorks' translators. SplitWorks will work even on non-solid geometry giving it a significant competitive advantage over other products. The user can modifying the split direction, by simply clicking on a plane, planar face or edge, which dynamically updates the preview. Undercuts and "no draft" angle surfaces are analyzed at this stage allowing "you" to determine the best splitting direction. The geometry is then automatically exploded into six groups (folders) * Core * Cavity * Both Direction * No Draft * No Draft Core (optional - can be created in the core group) * No Draft Cavity (optional - can be created in the cavity group) and automatically placed into the SplitWorks Property Page along with a parting line folder. This property page (along with the color coding and parting lines) is dynamically updated while modifying the part allowing you to gauge the implications of modfications made to the part. Context sensitive popup menus and functionality in SplitWorks property page. * Automatic Rebuild option which updates face classification and parting line display dynamically. * Move menus to move faces between groups. * Show/Hide folders faces and/or parting lines. * Create Surface to create core, cavity or side core surfaces. * Update Surface to update core, cavity or side core surfaces (propagating changes from the part to the finished assembly of cores, cavities and side cores. Other SplitWorks functionality. * Explode the Groups according to the core and cavity direction as well as given directions for other groups. * Find ALL holes within a part surface and plug them where possible, leaving the unplugged holes highlighted to be plugged with Standard SolidWorks tools. * Loft menu can be used as an automatic parting surface generator (when appropriate) or as a tool to create parting surfaces step by step using built-in redundancy overcoming composite curve and lofting reorder failures. * Automatically create solid insert from standard or user defined material blanks. * Network licensing.
